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INGR EDIENTS: 30ml butter 85g instant noodles, broken into  small pieces 30ml sesame seeds 30ml sunflower seeds 1/2 red pepper , seeded and cut into diamond shapes 1/2 yellow pepper, seeded and cut into diamond shapes 1/2 green pepper, seeded and cut into diamond shapes 100 g cabbage, Shredded 1 punnet cherry tomatoes 100 g baby corn 200 g fresh asparagus, steamed and cut into bite size pieces OR 200g green asparagus tips 100ml raspberry vinegar 15ml soy sauce METHOD: (1) Melt the butter in a frying pan or wok over a medium heat and stir until golden brown, about four to five minutes (2) Add the sunflower and sesame seeds and toss together. Fry until the sesame seeds are just golden, about one minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool. (3) Divide most of the Noddle's onto four serving plates. (4) Arrange the remaining ingredients on each plate and drizzle with the raspberry vinegar. Top with the remaining noddles


INGR EDIENTS: 1 pawpaw, peeled, seeded and sliced 1/2 punnet cherries, cleaned 1/2 punnet strawberries, washed 2 kiwi fruit, peeled and sliced 150g mascarpone cheese 15ml cinnamon 30 ml honey NOTE: (fruits optional) METHOD: (1) Arrange the fruits on a platter.Cover and chill. (2) Combine the mascarpone cheese, cinnamon and honey and chill. (3) Serve the cinnamon scented mascarpone cheese with the fruit well chilled.


INGR EDIENTS: 90 ml Jasmine tea 1 litre boiling water         honey, to taste. (1) pour the boiling water over the tea (2)Add honey according to taste. (3) chill . Serve the tea over plenty of ice.


ING REDIENTS: pastry: 125g flour, sifted 2ml salt 20g sugar 125g butter OR margarine, diced          5ml vanilla essence iced water to mix Filli ng: 3 extra large eggs 330g golden syrup 1ml salt 30g butter OR margarine, melted        150g pecan-nut halves PROCEDU RE: Pastry : Sift together flour, salt and sugar into processor bowl. Add butter, process until mixture resembles fine crumbs. Add vanilla essence and gradually add iced water until dough forms a ball which leaves sides of bowl clean. Wrap in cling wrap, refrigerate 30 minutes. Roll out dough between two sheets of grease-proof paper, use line base and sides of lightly greased 230mm-diameter pie plate. Bake blind at 190°C, 15 minutes. Remove beans and pepper, return to oven five minutes more. Set aside to cool. Fall ing: Beat eggs until pale and foamy. Gradually beat in syrup in steady stream. Add salt, melted butter and nuts, fold in. Pour filling into prepared pastry case, bake at 220°C, 10 minutes. Reduce te


INGREDIENTS: 3 large onions, finely diced     1,5kg lean beef mince 30ml finely chopped parsley     10ml dried mixed herbs Salt and freshly ground black pepper 125g flour 45g butter OR margarine         75ml sunflower oil Fruity sw eet and - sour: 250ml beef stock 15g cornflour 80g golden brown sugar        20ml soya sauce 250ml white vinegar 10g can pineapple chunks, drained,syrup reserved 200g dried pineapple slices (optional) PROCED URE: Combine first five ingredients in mixing bowl, form into balls with hands,roll in flour to coat. Fry in  heated butter and oil until well browned on all sides and cooked through. Drain on absorbent kitchen paper towels, transfer to heated serving dish, cover and keep warm. Fruity sweet and sour sauce: Combine all ingredients except dried pineapple in saucepan, bring to boil, stirring continuously. Add a little reserved pineapple syrup to thin down or sweeten sause, if desired. Reduce heat, simmer uncovered, 10 minutes, stirring


ING REDIENTS: 8 ready-prepared mini focaccias 100g black olives, pitted and chopped       3 garlic cloves, thinly sliced 50ml olive oil Salt and pepper 100g(250ml) mozzarella cheese, grated PROCED URE: Toast mini focaccias in toaster until browned. Meanwhile warm olives, garlic, olive oil and seasoning. Spoon over focaccias, sprinkle with cheese, grill until melted. Serve hot as an accompaniment to a salad.


INGREDIENTS: 8 ready-prepared mini focaccias 410g can Italian tomato and herb mix red Salt and pepper 100g (250ml) mozzarella cheese, grated PREPA RATION: Toast mini focaccias in toaster until browned. Spread with tomato and herb mix, season, sprinkle with cheese,grill until cheese has melted. Serve hot


PASTRY: 500g(4× 250ml) flour, sifted          5ml salt 3ml Cayenne pepper 200g butter OR margarine chilled and diced       60g(150ml) grated Parmesan cheese iced water to mix Filling: 60g butter or margarine 750g onions, finel sliced (4 large onions) 15ml chopped fresh thyme OR 5ml dry thyme     10ml sugar 300ml dry red wine OR vegetable stock salt and freshly ground black pepper 2× 250g tubs smooth cream cheese 250ml double cream OR sour cream 2 large eggs, separated 5ml ground nutmeg Sprigs of thyme to garnish PASTRY: Sift together flour and salt into processor bowl. Add butter,process until mixture resembles fine crumbs. Add cheese,blend briefly. Gradually add iced water until dough forms a ball which leaves sides of bowl clean. Don't over process, add only enough water to bind, or pastry will be tough.Roll out thinly on lightly floured surface, use to line 10 to 20 individual, greased, loose-bottomed , fluted Tartlet pans or small foil dishes. Prick well, ch


INGREDIENTS: 60g butter OR Margarine 500g aubergines, roughly                 chopped       1 onions, chopped 2 cloves of garlic, crushed     10ml chopped parsley 10ml olive oil 25ml lemon juice        Salt and pepper PROCEDURE: Melt butter in saucepan, fry aubergines, onion and garlic until soft. Place in food processor with parsley, olive oil, lemon juice and seasoning,processes until smooth. Allow to cool,spoon into serving bowls, refrigerate until ready to serve. Serve with buttered Melba toast.


INGREDIENTS: 8 green, red and/or yellow peppers, washed      Salt 10-12 clover of garlic, peeled     Olive oil Fresh mint leaves (optional) PROCEDURE: Arrange peppers on baking tray. Roast at 230°C, 30 to 40 minutes, until skin starts to blacken and blister. Carefully remove skins and seeds,cut into quarters. Season with salt,pack into jar with garlic cloves in between. Pour in enough olive oil to cover completely, seal jar and store in refrigerator. Serve cold, as a side dish, garnished with mint leaves.


INGREDIENTS: 2-3 medium aubergines, sliced salt and freshly ground black pepper      Olive oil for frying 1 large onion, chopped      5ml crushed garlic 4 large ripe tomatoes, skinned and chopped      60ml chopped fresh basil leaves 400g spaghetti       40g packet (100ml) grated parmesan cheese basil leaves for garnishing PROCEDURE: Place aubergine slices in colander, sprinkle generously with salt, leave to degorge 30 minutes. Rinse well under running water, pat dry. Fry in olive oil, drain well on absorbent kitchen paper towel, set aside. Fry onion in olive oil in separate saucepan until golden-brown, add garlic. Stir in tomatoes, basil and seasoning. Cook gently, uncovered, 10 to 15 minutes, stirring frequently. be continued


Ingredients: 200g butter OR margarine 200g(275ml) soft brown sugar          3 extra-large eggs 5ml almond essence 150g dark chocolate, melted          250ml buttermilk 280g(500ml) self-raising flour          5ml bicarbonate of soda 200g marzipan 50ml almond liqueur            300g marzipan 300g milk chocolate, melted Procedure: Cream butter and sugar until fluffy.Beat eggs,one at a time.Stir in essence, chocolate and buttermilk. Fold in flour and bicarbonate of soda. Turn mixture into two 180mm-diameter cake pan. Bake at 180°C, 30 minutes or until cooked. Allow to cool. Heat marzipan, add liqueur, mix until well combined. Spread over one half of cake, place other half on top. Roll out remaining marzipan to cover cake completely. Pour melted chocolate over and allow to cool.Decorate with almonds or marzipan fruits dipped in chocolate... Serves 10 to 12


Base: 125g butter OR margarine,melted         25g(30ml) castor sugar 100g milk chocolate, melted         50g ground almonds 90g(150ml) flour, sifted Filling: 500g cream cheese 125g(30ml) castor sugar         125ml thick cream 5 extra-large eggs, separated          400g milk chocolate, melted Topping: 500g mascarpone cheese       25ml icing sugar 5ml vanilla essence Procedure: Base: cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in remaining ingredients. Press into base of greased 200mm-diameter loose bottomed pan cake. Filling: Beat cream cheese, sugar and cream until smooth. Add egg-yolks and melted chocolate. Beat egg-whites until stiff peaks form. Fold into mixture, pour over base. Bake at  160°C ,two hours. Cool in oven for one hour. Topping: Beat ingredients together, spread over cooled cheesecake. Refrigerate until ready to serve.Decorate with chocolate curls, cuts into wedges and serve.


Ingredients: 250g milk chocolate      250ml milk 125g (150ml) castor sugar       750ml cream Procedure: Place chocolate, milk and sugar in saucepan,stir over medium heat until sugar has melted, allow to cool slightly. Whip cream until thick, fold into chocolate mixture. Place in freezer until ice crystals form around edge of container. Beat until smooth. Place in freezer until ice crystals form again, beat again before freezing until firm. Serve with melted white chocolate and fresh fruit. Makes about 600ml.